Stream Panels

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Stream Panels

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What are Stream Panels?

Stream panels are graphic elements that are displayed on a streamer’s channel page, usually below the stream video player. They are used to provide information about the streamer and their channel, and they can include things like the streamer’s social media handles, a list of their current subscribers, or information about their schedule or upcoming events.

Brand Marketing

Stream panels are usually organized into a series of rows or columns, and each panel can contain a variety of different types of information. Some streamers use stream panels to promote their social media accounts, merchandise, or other products, while others use them to provide information about their schedule or upcoming events.

Creating Stream Panels

There are a few different ways that streamers can create and customize their stream panels. Some streamers create their own panels using graphic design software, while others use pre-made templates or hire a designer to create custom panels. Many streamers also use third-party tools and services to create and manage their panels, and these tools often offer a wide range of customization options and features.

Why should you use them?

There are several reasons why a streamer might want to use stream panels on their channel page:

  1. To provide important information about the streamer and their channel: they are a great way to provide information about the streamer and their channel to viewers. This can include things like the streamer’s social media handles, current subscriber count, or schedule of upcoming streams.

  2. To promote the streamer’s brand and personality: they can be used to promote the streamer’s brand and personality to their audience. This can include things like custom graphics or images that reflect the streamer’s style or interests.

  3. To engage and interact with viewers: they can be used to encourage viewer engagement and interaction. This can include things like a list of the streamer’s current subscribers, or links to social media accounts where viewers can connect with the streamer.

  4. To create a professional and cohesive look and feel: they can help to create a professional and cohesive look and feel for the streamer’s channel page. By using custom graphics and branding, streamers can create a consistent visual identity that helps to set their channel apart from others.


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