Elden Ring’s Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy is From Software’s Best Shot at a Spectacle Boss

  • Last Updated : Jul - 05 - 2022

With the hidden secrets of Elden Ring now uncovered by the community, one of the most intriguing discoveries is the elusive Volcano Manor legacy dungeon and its climactic boss encounter with Rykard, the Lord of Blasphemy.

The journey to Rykard begins with the eerie ambiance of the Volcano Manor, gradually revealing hints on how to confront the enigmatic lord. As players progress through the questline, they receive subtle clues guiding them towards the ultimate showdown. However, it’s Rykard’s confrontation that truly stands out, as Elden Ring pays homage to previous giant boss battles while reinventing a beloved weapon from Demon’s Souls.

Two Ways to Reach Rykard


Players have two paths to reach Rykard: either by joining the Volcano Manor and completing its hunts for Tarnished NPCs, or by uncovering the secret entrance to the legacy dungeon. Regardless of the route taken, players may encounter a former knight of Rykard who seeks vengeance against the God-Devouring Serpent.

The dialogue with this ghostly knight initially appears cryptic, characteristic of FromSoftware’s storytelling style. Yet, as players delve deeper into the manor or explore the hidden dungeon, the knight’s hints become clearer. The culmination arrives when players acquire the Serpent-Hunter spear, leading to an epic encounter with the colossal God-Devouring Serpent.

The Evolution of the Storm Ruler


Elden Ring’s spectacle boss battles draw inspiration from past FromSoftware titles, notably Demon’s Souls’ Storm Ruler sword. In this latest iteration, the Serpent-Hunter spear takes center stage, offering an exhilarating showdown against the God-Devouring Serpent. The spear’s extended range ensures the entire battle remains visually stunning, reminiscent of the Storm King encounter.

Following the defeat of the God-Devouring Serpent, a dramatic revelation occurs: Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, emerges as the true adversary. Immortalized by the serpent, Rykard unleashes a barrage of new attacks, culminating in a visually spectacular hazard. The fight’s framing, enhanced by the fiery backdrop and Rykard’s menacing presence, elevates it to one of the most visually impressive encounters in Elden Ring.

The Reveal of Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy

Serpent Face

In conclusion, the journey to Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy, in Elden Ring is a testament to FromSoftware’s mastery of immersive storytelling and exhilarating boss battles.

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