Game Coaching
So you\’ve been stuck at the same rank for months now, perhaps years even. You\’ve done your best to improve on your own, narrowing down weaknesses in your game and focusing on improving but you can\’t seem to climb the leaderboards any longer. If this sounds familiar you may have reached a plateau in your learning curve. There\’s nothing more demoralizing than being hard stuck in a rank you feel like you should be able to promote from. That\’s where a video game coach comes into play.
A decade or two ago people would laugh at the notion of a coach helping you play better at a video game but as times have changed, video games have as well. The culture of video games in general have reached an all time high of sweatiness, with the rise of money involved in the hobby we have also seen a rise of importance being placed on having skill or knowledge in regards to video games.
A video game coach can be understood as a coach from any other type of sport. They are put there in a mentoring role because they have proved to have the skills and or knowledge to elevate other individuals to a higher level. With the rise of gaming in general we have also seen a rise in importance of individuals with this skill set. Here are the Top 10 Benefits of Hiring a Video Game Coach and how it can Change your Game.
1. Personalized Skill Assessment and Development
A video game coach has a firm grasp on how to play at the top level. When starting a one on one session with a coach, they will generally begin with a personalized skill assessment. This assessment analyzes the players current gameplay and assesses their skill level as it stands. This is important to measure as a baseline. Once a players baseline is established they can begin the players development. The skill assessment can also help in regards to where to begin in terms of improvements, with a player.
2. Advance Strategy and Meta Understanding
Most video games have 2-3 main facets of understanding to grasp before a player truly becomes great at their game. Only one of these facets would be mechanical ability and physical skill. While it\’s important to be able to pull off advanced maneuvers, fast combos, and tricky mechanics it\’s even more important to know when to use them. Strategy and Meta Understanding is crucial to understand in order to extend a players growth. As most games differ, so do the strategies and meta understanding so once you\’ve learnt the book smarts of one game, this often doesn\’t translate to other games. On top of this, every competitive game is constantly changing with patches including nerfs, buffs, adjustments, and general changes to the game itself. Pro players are put in a position where they must consistently learn in order to maintain a handle on the game as it changes. A coach is a person who keeps up to date with all of the games changes, and has a firm grasp on advance strategies and meta understanding. Their goal is to fill you in on the important know-how of the game and how to play with your head instead of going all out on your keyboard or controller. It\’s a matter of working smarter, not harder.
3. Faster Learning Curve
A coach, being great at identifying flaws and problems with gameplay, will be able to pinpoint your issues usually within one game of review. This is incredibly helpful to any player who has been stuck in their ways for months or years, hammering down the same game plan as they always have unbeknown to them, repeating the same mistakes every time. A coach will spot this out and from there give you advice on how to remedy these bad habits. The path to improvement always starts with identification through self reflection, if one is struggling to identify on their own having someone more experienced to identify these flaws saves massive amounts of time. A player can begin working on their mistakes almost immediately after a coaches input which results in a much faster learning curve. When working with a coach a player will generally see improvement in their game within a couple days to a couple of weeks. This would be desirable to any gamers out there wanting to improve their rank fast.
4. Real-time Feedback and Analysis
A coach will review your gameplay in order to assess how to begin teaching you. This is generally done live. Whether it be in person, or streamed live to them straight to their setup, they can watch your gameplay as it unfolds in real time. This is incredibly helpful as it means you won\’t have to wait days or weeks for the feedback and analysis. They will be there in the moment, talking you through every event of your game. Being able to pin point errors and apply changes while you are in the relevant position at the time is highly advantageous as you will be in the position to alter your gameplay then and there, applying the relevant changes to begin the learning process. Because of that, having access to a coach reviewing in real time is a hugely beneficial for those wanting to improve fast.
5. Mental Game Improvements
Most games these days have an emphasis on not just being great mechanically, but also being smart when it comes to in game strategy. With games having such a focus on mental aspects, it\’s easy to understand how some players can end up tilting out of their minds through a mistake of theirs or a smart move by their opponents. A coach is well aware of how detrimental a bad mental can effect decision making and therefore your gameplay as a whole. A coach will often work through a players mental game if they are prone to tilting, trying to identify the cause and minimize the effects. Yes, professional players can be emotional, but the best players never let their emotions get the best of them. Playing without ego, is one of the major pieces of advice a coach will give to you. If your opponent has killed you 3 times in a row, it may not be the best decision to try for a 4th time without changing anything.
6. Network and Community Access
Coaches generally have a vast network, through connections to high level players, teams, coaching staff and more. Therefore when you hire a video game coach, you aren\’t just hiring an individual for instruction. You\’re gaining access to an entire ecosystem of competitive gaming. This opens doors to tournament organizers, content creators, and other coaches who can provide different perspectives on the game. Many coaches also run private practice servers, arrange mini-tournaments, and create study groups where players can analyze professional matches together, creating a comprehensive learning environment that goes far beyond what\’s possible through solo queue or public lobbies.
7. Goal Setting and Achievement Planning
A coach will establish your goals almost immediately, and from there construct a plan on how you will achieve them through their support. Setting goals is important to give yourself a path and then, by doing so, allows for measurable tracking of your progress. Psychologically seeing how far you\’ve come can also prove to be a great motivator later down the line when you may be struggling to reach long term goals. The documented progress will then help build your confidence over time.
Setting goals and achievement planning also provides a sense of direction and purpose, as you begin your journey to self improvement. This in itself will help alleviate some anxiety in regards to the whole process. It may be looked over sometimes, but setting your goals and planning for achievement is essential early on to map out your journey.
8. Time-Efficient Practice
Playing a video game over and over again is often misconceived to be the best way to improve. While quantity is the best way to get better at anything in life, playing without the knowledge of what to work on and how to remedy shortcomings may result in a waste of your practice time. That is why a coach will encourage time-efficient practice. Playing without direction for hours a day for weeks or even months at a time can often lead to no change or improvement at all. Once a coach has outlined points for practice sessions, you\’ll suddenly be the in position to learn every game and with a baseline established earlier you\’ll then be able to effectively measure your progress.
9. Competitive Edge in Tournaments
With a coach behind you, it\’s easy to feel more confident in professional environments. An experienced coach will have a great understanding of these type of settings and the knowledge on how to guide you through them in order for you to perform to the best of your ability. A coach will prepare you for tournament-specific strategies, help you analyze potential opponents, and develop counter-strategies for different playstyles you might encounter. They can also help you manage tournament pressure by practicing scenarios you\’re likely to face in competitive play. Having this kind of structured preparation and guidance gives you a significant advantage over players who are approaching tournaments without professional support.
10. Customized Training Resources
Coaches generally have an extensive network of resources and connections throughout their community. This will come in handy in regards to customized training. The training sessions capable through an experienced coach are generally not replicable when attempting them on your own. For example, some coaches will have connections to other professional players or teams. In this case, your coach may setup a training session between yourself and other professional players or give you a spot on the team. This can catapult not only your skill in regards to gameplay but your entire gaming career. With that in mind, it\’s then important to consider the coach\’s position in their community and whether or not they\’re capable of high level training sessions as well as their access to other resources related within the community.
How Coaching Can Transform Your Game
Short-term Benefits:
Immediate Improvement of Mechanic Skills
Quick Correction of Obvious Mistakes
Better Understanding of Current Meta
Enhanced Practice Efficiency
Long-term Impact:
Development of Strong Fundamentals
Improved Decision Making Abilities
Better Analytical Capabilities
Stronger Mental Game and Competitive Mindset
Strategic Adaption Skills
Leadership Development
Making the Most of Coaching:
Be Open to Feedback and Willing to Change Habit
Commit to Regular Practice Sessions
Complete Assigned Homework and Drills
Set Clear Goals and Communicate Them
Take Notes During Sessions
Stay Consistent with the Training Schedule
Wrapping Up
Video game coaching is no longer just for aspiring professionals. It\’s a meaningful investment for any player looking for serious improvement. From immediate benefits e.g. mechanical skill improvement through real time feedback, to long term developments in strategic thinking and mental resilience. Coaching provides a structured path to improvement that self guided practice can\’t match. The value of video game coaching extends far beyond just ranking up or winning more games, it involves a complete transformation of how you approach, understand, and execute within your chosen game.
Through personalized assessment, meta understanding, efficient practice routines, and access to a wide range of resources through a connected community, coaching creates a comprehensive framework for sustainable improvement. Whether you\’re looking to break through a plateau, compete at the highest level or simply maximize your potential, a video game coach can help transform your game.