Game Coaching

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Game Coaching

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Buy and Sell Game Coaching Sessions

Game coaching is a type of service that helps players develop their skills and reach their gaming goals. Game coaching services are typically provided by professional players or coaches who specialize in specific games or genres. Coaches provide personalized instruction and feedback to help players learn and improve their gaming skills. They can also provide advice on strategies, tips, and techniques to help players progress more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, game coaches can provide motivation and guidance to help players stay focused and motivated to reach their gaming goals.

Types of Game Coaching

Different types of video game coaching can include general game coaching, which focuses on helping players improve their overall gaming skills; strategy-based game coaching, which focuses on helping players develop strategies and techniques to win games; and skill-based game coaching, which focuses on helping players improve specific skills, such as aim or reaction time. Additionally, some coaches may specialize in a particular game or genre, while others may be generalists and provide assistance with a variety of different games or genres. Coaches can also provide motivation and guidance to help players stay focused and motivated to reach their gaming goals.

  • One-on-One Coaching – one-on-one dedicated time with a Game Coach in an online Coaching Session.
  • Team Coaching – get coaching for your team to help improve the team’s strategy, co-ordination, game-play and overall performance.
  • Game Skills Assessment – get a quick assessment of some of the key areas where you can improve to boost your gaming skills.

Why get Game Coaching

Game coaching can be beneficial for players looking to improve their gaming skills, reach higher levels or rankings, or reach their gaming goals. A game coach can provide personalized instruction and feedback to help players learn and improve their gaming skills, as well as provide advice on strategies, tips, and techniques to help players progress more quickly and efficiently. Additionally, game coaches can provide motivation and guidance, helping players stay focused and motivated to reach their gaming goals. Ultimately, video game coaching can help players become better and more efficient gamers, allowing them to achieve their gaming goals more quickly.

How to Buy Game Coaching Sessions

Buying Video Game Coaching on is easy. 

1. Browse the Marketplace – search and filter to find your Game Coaching Item.

2. Add-to-Cart – Game Coaching is a bookable session with a Service Order. Sessions are booked on the Item page using the date picker to select a date/time slot (in your local time zone) and then adding the Item to your Cart.

3. Checkout – go through the Checkout (remember to sign-up to get access to your Customer Dashboard) – after checkout you’ll land on the Purchase Confirmation page that includes details of the Session as well as the downloadable Session Instructions. This information is also be included in your Order Details email sent after purchase. Details of you Coaching Session booking is also available from your Customer Dashboard – under My Bookings. 

4. Download the Session Instructions – the “Session Instruction” includes details of how to connect with your Coach.  It is available for download immediately after Checkout from either – the Purchase Confirmation page or Order Details email.

5. Messaging the Coach – after your purchase your Service Order is created. The Service Order page provides a dedicated channel between Buyer and Seller (Coach) to interact as needed. It can be accessed from the link at the bottom of the Purchase Confirmation page or alternatively from Customer Dashboard> My Service Orders.

6. Coaching Session – on the booking date/time the Buyer connects with the Seller (Coach) – using the downloaded Session Instructions and has their Coaching Session.

7. Rescheduling Sessions – rescheduling a Coaching Session is possible but must be done at least 24 hours before the Session. To reschedule a Session go to My Bookings> Reschedule.

8. Buyer Confirms Session – the Buyer confirms that the Session has been completed by going into the Service Order and marking Confirm Delivery on the order (Customer Dashboard> My Services> Service Order page).

9. Seller Receives Payment – when the Buyer Confirms Delivery the order is marked as delivered and the Seller’s earnings are updated.

10. Review Delivery – the final step is to provide a quick Rating Review based on your experience.

When do I get my Game Coaching Session

The Game Coaching Session booking is created immediately after purchase with the booking details being displayed in your Purchase Confirmation, Order Details email as well as being available in your Dashboard under My Bookings.  The Session is held on the date/time of the booking.  Time zone conversions are done automatically – and both Buyer and Seller have visibility of the time zone conversions in case of confusion.

What happens if I don’t get my Game Coaching Session

If you don’t receive the Game Coaching then Buyers can either reschedule the Session or log a refund request on the Support page for review by the StackedGame support team.

Important Notes:

  • If you don’t receive the Game Coaching then do not mark the Service Order as “Delivery Confirmed”. Sellers do not receive payment for orders unless delivery has been confirmed by the Buyer. 
  • We encourage Buyers and Sellers to resolve any delivery issues between themselves, however, where issues can’t be resolved then a support ticket can should be logged on the support page, and our Support Team will investigate and work with both parties to determine the best outcome.  See our Terms-of-Service for more information.

How to Sell Game Coaching Sessions

Selling Game Coaching Session on is super easy. 

First, you’ll need to register as a Seller by completing the Seller Signup. After sign-up you’ll have access to your Seller’s Dashboard where you’ll be able to upload and manage all your Marketplace Items – and much more. For more information on the dashboard, how selling works, and other great selling features – visit the Seller Help pages that also includes a range of helpful video clips.


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