Renowned God of War art director Rafael Grassetti is bringing his talents to the Marvel Universe this November with an epic, reimagined Daredevil variant cover that features the iconic Man Without Fear in his beloved ’90s armored costume.
Grassetti’s stunning artwork will grace the cover of Daredevil: Black Armor #1, the first issue in a four-part limited series penned by classic ’90s Daredevil writer DG Chichester, and illustrated by artists Netho Diaz and JP Mayer. Daredevil: Black Armor delves into the nostalgic ’90s tales “Fall From Grace” and “Fall of the Kingpin,” where Matt Murdock briefly adopts a striking black and red armored suit that has since become a beloved favorite among ’90s comic aficionados.
In this limited series, originally announced during Comic-Con International: San Diego 2023, Matt Murdock will confront a slew of formidable Marvel villains, including Sabretooth and Hobgoblin, as he investigates a mysterious threat linked to a series of disappearances in Hell’s Kitchen.
Chichester expressed his excitement about revisiting Daredevil’s world, stating, “If someone told me earlier that I’d have another chance to put on Daredevil’s horns (let alone horns attached to a suit of black armor) I’d have thought they’d taken one too many whacks to the head with a billy club. But apparently my passport to Hell’s Kitchen still works just fine! It’s an unexpected (but welcome!) thrill to visit Matt Murdock’s neighborhood again, and to work with Marvel on going back in time to discover a new adventure for the man without fear.”
Daredevil: Black Armor #1 hits shelves on November 11, featuring a main cover by Mark Bagley and Grassetti’s electrifying variant cover, which showcases Daredevil’s bold new look.
For fans eager for more Daredevil action, dive into the best Daredevil stories of all time and experience the unparalleled adventures of the Man Without Fear.