In-Game Currency

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In-Game Currency

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Buy and Sell In-Game Currency

In-game currency is a form of virtual currency used within a video game or other virtual world. In-game currency can be used to purchase items, skills, upgrades, and other in-game advantages. In some games, it can also be used to purchase real-world items, such as in-game currency cards. In-game currency is usually acquired through playing the game, completing objectives, or trading with other players. In-game currency can also be purchased with real-world money.

Types of In-Game Currency

The types of in-game currency vary from game to game, but some of the most common types of in-game currency include gold coins, gems, tokens, credits, and points. Gold coins are the most common type of in-game currency and are usually used to purchase items, upgrades, and other in-game advantages. Gems are usually used to purchase special items or to upgrade skills. Tokens are often used to purchase special items or to unlock content. Credits are typically used to purchase items or to upgrade skills and abilities. Finally, points are often used to unlock content or to purchase items.

Options to get In-Game Currency

There are several ways of getting in-game currency. These include completing in-game challenges and quests, purchasing it through microtransactions, or using real money to purchase virtual currency. Additionally, some games offer rewards and bonuses for interacting with their social media platforms or joining special events. Players can also earn in-game currency by selling items or participating in in-game competitions.

Why get In-Game Currency

Getting in-game currency can provide an additional layer of customization and flexibility to a game, allowing players to purchase items or upgrades that they otherwise could not access.  Additionally, in-game currency can often be purchased with real-world money, allowing players to purchase items or advantages that would otherwise be inaccessible.

How to Buy In-Game Currency

Buying In-Game Currency on is easy. 

1. Browse the Marketplace – search and filter to find your In-Game Currency Item.

2. Add-to-Cart – add the In-Game Currency Item to your Cart.

3. Checkout – go through the Checkout (remember to sign-up to get access to your Customer Dashboard) – after checkout you’ll land on the Purchase Confirmation page.

4. Download the In-Game Currency Item details or go to the Service Order page to complete order – If the item is “Instant Delivery” then it will be available for download immediately after Checkout from either – the Purchase Confirmation page or Order Details email.

Alternatively, if the item is marked as using the “Service Order” delivery method – then go to the Service Order page where the Seller will message to complete delivery. To go to the Service Order – click on the Go-To Service Orders (bottom of the page) this will go to the My Services: Service Orders page. Now click on View Service Order to go to your Service Order page.

5. Progress Service Order – this page provides a dedicated channel between Buyer and Seller to interact to complete the service delivery.  After the Service Order is placed the Seller is notified of the purchase and will message the Buyer to progress the order as described on their Item page.

6. Buyer Confirms Delivery – once the Buyer receives the Item and confirms it matches the description on the Item page, they Confirm Delivery by going to their Customer Dashboard> My Services> Service Order page.

7. Seller Receives Payment – when the Buyer Confirms Delivery the order is marked as delivered and the Seller’s earnings are updated.

8. Review Delivery – the final step is to provide a quick Rating Review of your service experience.

When do I get my In-Game Currency

In-Game Currency is transferred either via “Instant Download” or “Service Delivery” method – depending on the game and its requirements.

Instant Downloads can be downloaded immediately after checkout – by clicking on the download link after checkout. So you’ll get access to the game account with no waiting or delay. 

Where accounts require some interaction to transfer the “Service Order” delivery method (on the Service Order page) is used. The Service Chat page is our dedicated channel for Buyers and Sellers to interact to complete Service Orders.

For both “Instant Delivery” and “Service Order” methods we ask that Buyers use the Service Order page to confirm successful delivery.

What happens if I don’t receive my In-Game Currency

If you don’t receive the In-Game Currency then Buyers should mark the Service Order Delivery as “Delivery Not Confirmed” and log a refund request on the Support page – to be reviewed by the StackedGame support team.

If delivery is via the Service Order and you don’t receive the Item by the Delivery Due Date on the Service Order and cannot agree a reschedule with the Seller – then Buyers can log a refund request on the Support page that will be processed by our Support Team.

Important Notes:

  • If you don’t receive the In-Game Currency then do not mark the Service Order as “Delivery Confirmed”. Sellers do not receive payment for orders unless delivery has been confirmed by the Buyer. 
  • We encourage Buyers and Sellers to resolve any delivery issues between themselves, however, where issues can’t be resolved then a support ticket can should be logged on the support page, and our Support Team will investigate and work with both parties to determine the best outcome.  See our Terms-of-Service for more information.

How to Sell In-Game Currency

Selling In-Game Currency on is easy. 

First, you’ll need to register as a Seller by completing the Seller Signup. After sign-up you’ll have access to your Seller’s Dashboard where you’ll be able to upload and manage all your Marketplace Items – and much more. For more information on the dashboard, how selling works, and other great selling features – visit the Seller Help pages that also includes a range of helpful video clips.


$26.50 $18
100k FC24 coins! Please leave a message in the comment section if you are after a specific amount and we can work something out from there!