Stream Screens

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Stream Screens

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What are Stream Scene’s?

Stream scenes are pre-designed layouts that can be used to arrange and organize the various elements of a live stream, such as the streamer’s webcam, gameplay footage, and overlays. There are several reasons why a streamer might want to use stream scenes:

  1. To create a professional and cohesive look and feel: they can help to create a professional and cohesive look and feel for a stream. By using a consistent layout and design, streamers can create a polished and visually appealing viewing experience for their audience.

  2. To organize and arrange stream elements: they allow streamers to easily arrange and organize the various elements of their stream, such as their webcam feed, gameplay footage, and overlays. This can help streamers to create a more organized and visually appealing stream.

  3. To switch between different layouts and setups: they allow streamers to easily switch between different layouts and setups depending on the needs of their stream. For example, a streamer might have a different scene for solo streams, group streams, and events.

  4. To save time and streamline the setup process: they can help streamers to save time and streamline the setup process for their streams. Instead of having to manually arrange and configure all of the elements of their stream every time they go live, streamers can simply select a scene and start streaming.


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