Stream Watermarks

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Stream Watermarks

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What is a Stream Watermark?

Stream watermarks are small graphics or logos that are displayed on top of a live stream, usually in a corner of the screen. They are used to identify the streamer or the streamer’s channel, and they can also be used to promote the streamer’s brand or other products.


There are a few different types of stream watermarks that streamers can use, including logo watermarks, branding watermarks, and affiliate watermarks. Logo watermarks are small versions of the streamer’s logo or brand identity, and they are used to identify the streamer and their channel.

Brand or Sponsor Marketing

Branding watermarks are larger graphics or logos that are used to promote the streamer’s brand or other products, and they may include additional text or graphics. Affiliate watermarks are used to promote products or services that the streamer is affiliated with, and they may include a referral or tracking link.


Stream watermarks can serve a number of purposes. They can be used to identify the streamer and their channel, and they can help to promote the streamer’s brand or other products. They can also be used to encourage viewer engagement and interaction, and they can provide an opportunity for the streamer to interact with their viewers in real-time.


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