Genshin Impact: Account (Great Characters and Weapons!) [EU] AR 55 - Game Accounts

Selling my Genshin Impact Account:

  • Great Characters
  • Great Weapons
  • Lots of Items
  • Lots of time spent

Located on EU Server.

I will swap/give you all details in service order once purchased. Once account transferred to your name please accept service order and leave good feedback.

Any questions- please leave them in comment section of this page and I will answer as soon as I can!

Genshin Impact: Account (Great Characters and Weapons!) [EU] AR 55

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Service CreatedAugust 4, 2023
Delivery Time1 days
Orders in Progress0
Order Completion0%
On Time Delivery0%

About the Seller

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Avatar of Uziii
Member since
August 2023
  • I don't post often but when I do, you can guarantee it's going to be good.
  • There are currently no other items by this seller available.

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  • Genshin Impact Account

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