Baldur’s Gate 3: Origin Character Or Creating Your Own?


Choosing your character is a big deal in Baldur’s Gate 3. Your character shapes your journey and interactions in the game. You’ve got two main choices: origin characters or custom ones.

Origin Characters

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Origin characters are pre-made with a set appearance, class, and stats. They come with their own backstory and intentions, but you still have control over their dialogue. There are seven origin characters, each with their own unique class and backstory. You’ll get a special intro that sets the scene for their story. It’s like stepping into their shoes from the get-go.

Your race and class give you special dialogue options. For example, if you’re a Druid, you’ll have a knack for nature talks. As a Paladin, you can flex your skills in persuasion and intelligence. They’re like built-in perks for certain situations.

These characters are your respective companions within the game

  • High-Elf Wizard
  • Githyanki Fighter
  • Human Warlock
  • Half-Elf Cleric
  • Human Wizard
  • Asmodeus-Tiefling Barbarian
  • The Dark Urge

The Dark Urge

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The Dark Urge is a bit different. It’s the only origin that lets you fully customize your character. No memory of your past, but you’re drawn to blood and death. Sounds spooky, right? There’s a risk of doing some bad stuff without meaning to, but hey, you still call the shots. It’s a twisted experience meant to shake things up.

Custom Characters

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With custom characters, you’re the architect of your destiny. You get to build your character from scratch, choosing everything from race to skills. The Character Creator is your playground, with tons of options to play with.

You still get to hang with the origin characters (except The Dark Urge) and unravel their stories, but it might take a bit longer. Plus, you can control your companions, giving you the best of both worlds.

So, whether you want to step into someone else’s shoes or forge your own path, Baldur’s Gate 3 has got you covered. Choose wisely, and let the adventure begin!

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