How to Optimize OBS - Configure Your OBS Setting for Better Streaming Quality - Gaming Marketplace

Not sure how to configure and optimize your OBS setting for a better streaming quality then don’t worry, feel free to book a call.

In this service I will provide the following:


  • Setup your scenes and sources to optimize your stream
  • Add Chatbot functionality / custom commands [x2 + training]
  • Integrate chatbot scripts and commands into your stream [on certain packages]
  • Setup your mic with filters for the best mic quality!
  • Webcam setup with LUT filters and plugins for best quality!
  • Optimize OBS for recording and streaming profiles!
  • Add professional widgets for, integrate chat, and more!
  • Setup for Twitch, YouTube, Zoom, Facebook or more!


And the BEST PART ….. It’s all done REMOTELY!

I will make sure to provide the best quality experience and teach you along the way so you can focus on creating amazing content! Let me use my experience to kick your stream or content up to the next level!


Upsell36279, 40922, 36285, 36282, 40865
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Service CreatedJune 10, 2022
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Member since
May 2022

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  • Standard

Item Price

  • Setup your scenes and sources to optimize your stream
  • Add Chatbot functionality / custom commands [x2 + training]
  • Integrate chatbot scripts and commands into your stream [on certain packages]
  • Setup your mic with filters for the best mic quality!
  • Webcam setup with LUT filters and plugins for best quality!
  • Optimize OBS for recording and streaming profiles!
  • Add professional widgets for, integrate chat, and more!
  • Setup for Twitch, YouTube, Zoom, Facebook or more!

Session times are shown in your local time-zone

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