Guide for League Of Legends - Game Guides


If you are looking at this then it means you are interested in playing league of legends and are not quite sure where to start and what to do. 

I strive to help players to become smart and collected players after joining my sessions.


I will provide:

  • profile check
  • VOD review
  • backseat coaching
  • My soloQ/competition footage as example
  • graphs and sketches to explain complicated concepts in a easy way.
  • flexibility in coaching format and period


I will not provide:

  • boosting services
  • free accounts
  • Illegal ways of climbing the league ladder


I am always “Fired up and ready to serve.” Order now and RISE!

Upsell36203, 36196, 35830, 35842, 36008
Logo Type
Logo Style
Game Genre
Game Style

Rating and Reviews

Average RatingService stats
0.000 reviews




Service CreatedJuly 4, 2022
Delivery Time days
Orders in Progress0
Order Completion0%
On Time Delivery0%

About the Seller

Seller Profile
Member since
May 2022

Contact :: Author

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  • Standard

Item Price

  • profile check
  • VOD review
  • backseat coaching
  • My soloQ/competition footage as example
  • graphs and sketches to explain complicated concepts in a easy way.
  • flexibility in coaching format and period

Session times are shown in your local time-zone