DISCORD SERVER CREATION (Standard Package) - Gaming Optimization

Are you looking for a Custom Discord server? You’re at the right place!

I can set up a new/existing discord server for you according to your needs whether it’s a Gaming server, NFT server, Anime-based server, or any type of server.

Choose what package suits you

😀 The GoldFish (Basic Package) :

  • Best design, roles & bots
  • 30 Static & Animated emojis
  • Permissions & Bot setup
  • Private staff channels with bot setup room
  • Social notifications (Only YT, Twitter, Twitch, FB, Reddit supported)
  • Server stats & audit logs
  • Bot commands PDF
  • Unlimited Revisions

😃 The Dolphin (Standard Package) :

  • Everything from Basic
  • Verification System
  • Custom welcome message with a banner
  • Music system
  • Self assignable roles
  • Invite Tracker
  • Server Backup (members & messages not included)

😄 The Whale (Premium Package) :

  • Everything from basic + standard
  • Anti raid system
  • Ticket tool system
  • Mini-game bots
  • Leveling system + roles
  • Color self roles
  • 1-week support (50$ a week afterward)
  • Anything you wish for

Why me?

  • I work with full dedication
  • Been an admin on big servers
  • Unlimited revisions

No artwork, Bots, or Logos included!

Upsell35991, 36196, 36004, 35842, 40799
Logo Type
Logo Style
Game Genre
Game Style

Rating and Reviews

Average RatingService stats
0.000 reviews




Service CreatedJune 2, 2022
Delivery Time3 days
Orders in Progress0
Order Completion0%
On Time Delivery0%

About the Seller

Seller Profile
Member since
May 2022

Contact :: Author

Please register or sign in first to contact Weeebo.
  • 😃 The Dolphin

Item Price

$45 $35
  • Everything from Basic
  • Verification System
  • Custom welcome message with a banner
  • Music system
  • Self assignable roles
  • Invite Tracker
  • Server Backup (members & messages not included)
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