Create a Game Server - Gaming Optimization

I will help you create a game server for a game of your choice I will walk you through it and show you hoe it is done and help you configure your settings. 

From games such as: 

–  ARK: Survival Evolved 
– Minecraft
– SCP: Secret Laboratory
– Valheim 

Happy to setup most game servers on any platform you have bought or renting.

  • From minecraft, modded minecraft to other games such as Steam Powered.
  • Examples 7 Days To Die , Conan, Ark survival etc.
  • With remote access over ssh/ RDP or web console /SFTP etc.
  • Simply include the basic config types you want such as : PvP , PvE, or PvPVE
  • Should it be private or public or password protected. Should there be a whitelist if feature is available?
  • You should provide the control panel logon info too, or if option ,create a user will all access rights except billing.
  • You can simple change the password once the work is done to lock out, and reuse it later if assistance is required.
Upsell36004, 35842, 40799, 36285, 40865
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Service CreatedJune 29, 2022
Delivery Time3 days
Orders in Progress0
Order Completion0%
On Time Delivery0%

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Member since
May 2022

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-  ARK: Survival Evolved 
- Minecraft
- SCP: Secret Laboratory
- Valheim 

Session times are shown in your local time-zone

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